Every man for himself! The traditional marketing model is slowly dying. The company-client relationship is changing due to digitization. And at The Social Media Family, we help you adapt to this new environment. Do you know Inbound Marketing ? What about Content Marketing ? Dear readers, we present to you today’s protagonist: The Content .


Probably, when you hear the name of Content Marketing it sounds like blogs, YouTube, twitter … But what is Content Marketing really? According to the CMI (Content Marketing Institute), it is “a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience and, ultimately, to drive action from profitable customers ”. Basically, launch relevant and useful content to help the customer solve their problem.

This strategy is within Inbound Marketing . It is about offering value in a non-intrusive way. With inbound techniques , your clients approach you and with outbound techniques , you must find them. But beware, the key is not to launch content for its own sake. It must be relevant and useful. Content marketing, as modern as it may seem, was not born yesterday. ” The Furrow “, a magazine for farmers, and saw benefits in Content Marketing in 1895. The “Rolling Stones” of American farmers advised how to manage the agricultural issue to their customers. The immortality of this magazine is due to the great content it has always offered, although currently the majority of pages are occupied by photos.




  • If you want to be the best, take a look at what the best do. All big brands use this marketing strategy : P&G, Microsoft, Cisco Systems … Why? Because it works. The Content Marketing generates increased sales, it saves costs and improves customer loyalty. Yes, it is restless .
  • The Content Marketing us ensures better positioning , is that Google rewards companies whose content is valuable.
  • To improve your advertising . Successful strategies are those that target the customer, not those that target the company itself. For your PPC (Pay Per Click) to work there must be great content behind it.
  • Content marketing generates branding , brand awareness, attracts new customers and retains them .
  • Content can generate leads. If we attract our customers with our content, it is quite likely that they want to provide us with their information to learn more or purchase a desired product.
  • With content marketing you can create a hitherto non-existent need for the customer. You can even generate expectation for more new content or a product.
  • Long-term consolidation. The content, as we have already indicated on previous occasions, is fundamental to our branding strategy . But it is that it will also allow us to consolidate the brand in the long term. With an online advertising campaign you will get results “instantly”, but the content is perennial, it stays on the net much longer and it is possible, if you get a good position, that customers continue to come in after months, even years.


  • An Ascend2  report  shows the most effective and best valued channels by users to attract customers. The best, for 45% of respondents, are email marketing and content marketing
  • According to the Content Marketing Study in Latin America and Spain , 85% of companies have already joined the wave of content marketing .
  • 70% of these companies have doubled the time spent on Content Marketing taking into account their results.
  • A study by the Content Marketing Institute indicates that 32% of the total marketing budget of B2C companies is spent on content marketing .

Ufffff! Seeing how the panorama is, it is difficult not to want to catch this wave of Content Marketing . Nowadays, anyone can elaborate their marketing strategy without much budget and obtain great benefits for our branding . Looking at the data, inbound marketing strategies work, but we must work hard.

Our planet is full of noise from all sides, we receive information 24 hours. Therefore, we must find a way to make ourselves heard. There is no need to raise your voice, but to tell useful and valuable things for customers .


Content, content, content … But there are many contents. Are all worth? Yes, almost all of them. And it is that the range is very wide : articles for a blog, videos, images, tutorials, reports, infographics, newsletter, apps … Depending on the type of company you are, one content or another will be better adapted.

We have already said: to be the best you have to look at the best. For this reason, we want to leave you with some successful examples of Content Marketing . We have selected everything: apps, videos, blogs, infographics … Put the sponge mode that we are going:


Blogger in the world we would like to highlight the strategy of marketing content of Iberia . The Spanish airline has its own blog where we can find different content. Travel guides, promotions, section on the air world, and the one we like the most, a section to lose the fear of flying. In the latter they write about the causes of flying phobia, how to give ourselves a hand massage to calm down or how to breathe to relax during a flight. This content is undoubtedly useful to customers and provides trust, publicity, positioning …


Another example from the Blogger world is Mailrelay. This mail marketing company uses Content Marketing as a strategy in its own blog, where we can find different types of content that try to link mail marketing with current issues focused on digital marketing. If you need a good example of Content Marketing for your blog, take a look at Mailrelay !


Although it seems incredible, Content Marketing does not live on blogs alone . A clear example of this is our IV Report on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram users in Spain, which in its 2018 edition has exceeded 500 downloads in just one month, in addition to generating more than 150 impacts in the media and blogs , positioning our agency as a source of information for the sector. Do not stay behind and download this report on the use of social networks in Spain 2018.

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Pictoline is a clear example of how to succeed using infographics in Content Marketing. The information design company of Eduardo Sallés is giving the ball in Latin America and little by little it is going to reach Spain. The curious and relevant information he provides through his infographics is the key to his success. Tributes to Stephen Hawking, explanations about the future water crisis, the story of the first woman in space or how to do a Google search …


One of the apps that enjoys great success thanks to its content marketing is the Nike + Training Club App . This application is fully equipped with more than 100 workouts, you can also share your own or be inspired by the exercises of the best athletes. The trainings are tailored so they manage to personalize the content to the client and thus retain them.


The video offer endless possibilities for a strategy Content Marketing . An example of the queen of the videoblog : Isasaweis . The Asturian woman triumphs online, teaching her followers ways to put on makeup, comb her hair, cook sushi, or even narrate traveling experiences. Its transparent image and its positioning are the keys to its success.


The video marketing deserves apart from the mention different types of content marketing . Last year we already announced a series of statistics that lead us to understand the reasons for betting on video marketing .

Still in 2018, it remains the order of the day. A video can be used to promote your physical or online store, to make video tutorials or video tips or to generate video news. We must not forget with this audiovisual content we must create the need for the user to use our product or buy it. Therefore, it is essential to have a clear objective when carrying out this type of marketing strategy and ask ourselves how videos will help my company .

Most users prefer to watch a video to read a text, and after viewing that content, 64% of users are more predisposed to buy or use our product. Also, a video is a very cheap way to generate content . A little talent, a Smartphone and a microphone can be used to make a good video marketing strategy.

The main social networks incorporate the option of inserting video in the publications and, as a general rule, this type of content “peta” among the audience. Thus, video marketing can make it easier for you to viralize your content. Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter … All of these offer the options for you to upload your video, both live and delayed.

In addition, video marketing can help you increase user loyalty to your brand. This content generates some authenticity in your brand, and that produces trust in users. How to get more loyalty from users? Our advice: offer explanatory videos, tutorials or advice on your services or products.

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We leave you with an example of what video marketing is for us . In this case, we wanted to present our new website and we opted for this type of audiovisual content to present it clearly and directly.


When you start generating content, it is important that you measure everything generated and see if the objectives are being met. There is a possibility that they cannot be achieved from the first minute … Patience! In content marketing the results come in the long term.

How long is that After a year we should start quite remarkable results, and after two years we should increase our initial figure considerably. That is why, dear readers, it is said that good things wait. Be constant, create useful content and connect with your clients, the successes will end up coming and your branding will thank you.

To know what results our Content Marketing strategy has, it is necessary to analyze it. Analyze your traffic, leads , conversions, generated backlinks , the evolution of your branding or the engagement you generate in your RRSS. Long ago we wrote an entry on this topic, if you want to know more, we leave you more information about the famous ROI (Return on Investment) in Content Marketing .


You’re probably reading this to find the formula for the success of this marketing strategy. We are sorry to say that we do not yet have it. But what we can do is give you some tips on how to create a Content Marketing strategy :

  • The first thing we must define is who is our client . Who would we like to reach? Who is our potential client? And our ideal client? We have to generate content for them, so we will have to know them perfectly. When we know this we can also know how to position ourselves correctly.
  • The next step would be to ask ourselves what we are going to use Content Marketing for . We want to generate more sales, get more traffic on our website, improve our branding …
  • If we take the two previous steps well this is already a piece of cake . Now, in the next step we must work on positioning . The Content Marketing will help us do this, but you must take into account the
  • Posting content is not enough. Give your publication a unique perspective and create a unique world.
  • Plan the content that we are going to launch . What are we going to do? Where am I going to get it? How often? All of these questions are relevant when planning our Content Marketing strategy .
  • It costs less to retain a customer than to get a new one. Pamper your customers, and build their trust in you. Of course, user number 1 is the same as user number 100,000, you have to treat everyone the same.
  • Answer doubts, that is, take care of your online reputation . You do not need to be your own users / clients, answer their questions and grow your community.
  • Collaborate with other sectors. Expand the fields you are in, and you will have many more potential clients.
  • Recycle your content. If you’ve been generating content for a long time, some of it will be out of date. Pick them up and give them a spin.

About techguruadmin

Akshitha is a Digital Marketing Expert and Founder of She has been working on her own blogging projects which provide solutions to users in the field of Technology, Internet Knowledge, and "How to " based content. As an experienced Digital Marketer, She believes Content is everything online.

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