How to segment on Facebook?

The evolution of Facebook as a tool and platform for digital advertising has gone by leaps and bounds. The alternatives and opportunities offered by the Business Manager in terms of how to segment audiences on Facebook allows the message to be transmitted to a specific audience to be targeted much more effectively. Each public needs a message which can be identified, because not any copy is valid for any targe t.

The management of Facebook Ads accounts require special care. Especially when configuring the audiences to which brands and advertisers are projected. When addressing a Social Media strategy , it is of utmost importance to contemplate all the scenarios and possibilities that we have at our fingertips so that the objectives pursued come to fruition.

Qualified segmentation, the center of the target

The first advantage of knowing how to segment the audience on Facebook is that the promoted content will impact an audience with potential interest . Therefore, what we will firstly ignore to another party to whom the content, product or service offered will be irrelevant.

The customization is always a degree. In this way, both the images, messages, titles, descriptions and CTAs that make up the ad copywriting in its entirety can be outlined and reoriented based on the characteristics, qualities and peculiarities that the potential audience can capture.

Audience segmentation, campaign optimization

At the same time, the public configuration allows to carry out A / B tests and formulate different segmentations . In this way -in a second step-, it is possible to analyze which audience configuration works best at the level of budget optimization .


Therefore, it is essential to take into account a planned segmentation , trying not to show yourself to an audience that is too open and with an excessive volume of reach. Similarly, it is also not advisable to concentrate what is considered a target audience within a limited audience. The reason is that in the end a scalable analysis of results could not be carried out within the optimization of the campaign .

The structuring of advertisements must follow a progressive evolution along its path through the conversion funnel . For example, we would begin to maneuver on the platform based on a campaign with targeted traffic or brand awareness . Next, it would be convenient to go through another with objective interaction . Finally, that strategic path would end with a campaign configuration aimed at generating leads or sales conversions .

How to segment on Facebook effectively?

Interests, behaviors and demographics

These segmentation matrices are established as the configurations that are most used, since it focuses on a classification of preferences and interests by the public. You can filter by users who are already followers of a fanpage. For example: car brands


This option is truly relevant, since it is established as an alternative that serves to re- impact an audience that has already had a previous relationship with our brand, service or product . This retargeting option is configured based on the one known as Pixel, which collects the navigation information of certain users.

Similar audiences

The similar public will allow impact a new audience , but with the particularity of on a segment that is postulated potentially interested about your company because it resembles, for example, to the public and is a follower of your fanpage.


When creating this similar public, a primary or origin public is chosen , becoming established as a custom public . All the information is collected by the pixel or the followers of the page. In this way, the tool locates and crosses the common interests with the potential new public to later project itself onto them within its content profile.

Characteristics of the segment of similar audiences

This audience configuration, in turn, presents a series of specifications. Especially to be able to put it into practice when creating a set of ads. With this we mean that when configuring said target it is required that the original audience from which it derives must have a volume of at least 100 people . Another peculiarity of this similar public is that it will only be made up of people from the selected country at the time of its creation.

One of its strengths is that it allows you to create up to 500 similar audiences based on the base or origin public. All this allows a wide margin for testing, testing and audience changes during the circulation of your campaign. You will also have to keep in mind that people who are concentrated in the original audience segment will be excluded from the similar segment to be created. Finally, you should also know that within the same set of ads you can use different similar audiences at the same time .

As you can see, this little brushstroke that we have given about the importance of segmenting audiences when planning and putting a Facebook ADS campaign into circulation is just an appetizer of the advantages and possibilities offered by the configuration of audiences within the Business Manager platform.

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About techguruadmin

Akshitha is a Digital Marketing Expert and Founder of She has been working on her own blogging projects which provide solutions to users in the field of Technology, Internet Knowledge, and "How to " based content. As an experienced Digital Marketer, She believes Content is everything online.

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