Mobile app

mobile app

Solving Complex Business Issues with Mobile Application Development Services

Everybody loves apps! It’s no secret that modern people are OBSESSED with mobile apps. The mobile application, commonly referred to as an app, is software programmed to run on a mobile device. Apps are built and designed with the restrictions and features of mobile devices in mind. App developers may also capitalize on the potential for touch screens to offer more interactive user experiences than traditional computer controls such as keyboards and mice. Business enterprises of all sizes and types utilize mobile apps to solve their complex business problems. Read here more on global mobile app usage by Statista and complex business issues that can be solved straightforwardly with the help of professional web and mobile app development services in India and abroad.

Peeping through mobile apps usages through eyes of Statista

Statista needs no introduction. It is one of the famous research companies offering quality data on mobile, technology, and business. The researcher’s different surveys and reports show that the most popular apps worldwide in 2020 were chat apps (91 percent) and social media apps (88 percent). Athough some devices come with pre-installed apps, users can choose apps through app Google Play store and Apple App Store, or AWS.  Google Play generates the largest amount of global app downloads when comparing the platforms.

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In fact, in the 3rd quarter of 2021, app users downloaded about 27.6 billion applications from Google Play. Yet, the Apple app store captured the the market in terms of app revenues of 21.5 billion U.S. dollars in 2021 in consumer spending.  It is unsurprising when you consider that by 2025, mobile apps are projected to generate over 613 billion U.S. dollars in revenues. Also, check some other interesting facts:

  • Most popular app category, by usage reach – Chat apps
  • The 30-day app retention rate in 2020 – 6.48%
  • Organic installed 8-week app retention – 4.5%
  • Time spent on social media apps in 2021 in Asia – 449.2bn hrs
  • Most downloaded social app for Android users – WhatsApp Messenger
  • Most downloaded social app for iPhone users – Instagram
  • Projected messaging app users worldwide in 2025 – 3.51billion
  • YouTube app monthly active iOS users in Q3 2021 – 844.9million
  • Netflix app downloads in 2021 – 16.42million
  • TikTok monthly active users in 2021 – 1billion
  • Mobile gaming app revenue in 2021 – 90.7bn
  • Top-grossing gaming app genre – Role-playing games
  • Weekly hours played by the U.S. new mobile games in COVID-19 – 13.1 hrs

Mobile application development services to solve complexities

The statistics shown above clearly put light on the value and utility of mobile apps in a world that runs on technology and apps. When you need various mobile apps for different purposes, a mobile app development company and its mobile application development services make a big difference in the current business landscape. Read here what sort of app development services for mobile is available around. These include:

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Today mobile apps are updated and can solve many problems, be it an individual or a business problem. High-tech and business-oriented mobile apps can streamline business processes better than ever before successfully and solve different day-to-day issues effectively. Mobile Apps are a must-have for small, medium, or big business enterprises, and these apps are business tools vital for transforming your business to digital. An innovative mobile app can solve different business challenges and pain points. Let’s move ahead and know more about five business problems that mobile apps can resolve effectively.

Valuable data collection and processing

Documentation, accounting, photographs, and inspection results—the amount of data generated by a company in its operation can be excellent if it handles all these processes manually. Taking data offline can result in wasted time and resources on data collection. Mobile apps can combine multiple steps into a single approach to speed and automate data transfer and storage. A good app can also work in an offline mode and orchestrate outcomes.

Data on demand

Businesses today have a lot of challenges to overcome. One of these challenges is the lack of data at hand when it is needed. For example, an accounting report can help managers make better business decisions, but it requires manual data entry, which may take up time. In addition, this task may be complicated by the poor internet connection or the lack of online access. The solution for this problem is to install an app on your phone that can automatically generate an accounting report in automatic or semi-automatic mode and instantly provide access to relevant information.

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Launch new product

An updated mobile app developed with modern technologies can enable business enterprises to solve real problems and stay above the competition. A smartphone app can let customers solve issues concerning comprehensive insurance policies. Even, air travelers can register their luggage and check-in for a flight in the least amount of time.

Monitoring processes

Tracking data in real-time is vital for improving material quality and human resource management. Finding the right person at the right time is like watching someone 2/7. A suitable app can monitor how employees are performing at a particular time. You can check updates, receive data, and track other indicators with the app.

Information distribution and support 

A perfect mobile app can help people get faster and more reliable assistance from the right resources. Sharing of correct information enables you to increase customer loyalty. This app is suitable for communicating with customers, solving issues, and answering questions on time. Intelligent apps can analyze customer needs and requests for on-time technical support. Apps can automate multiple tasks, accept applications, render answers, and enable added options.

Summing up 

India’s top mobile application development company can help you solve all mentioned-above issues with services like native mobile app development (Android and iOS systems), hybrid mobile app development, cross-platform app development, progressive web app development, and wearables and embedded software. A company can build iOS and Android apps for corporate devices, backend processes, and marketing segments.  

Remember that mobile app developers need to solve problems and issues with server configuration, data processing, admin, and external APIs with mobile devices for better outcomes. 

About techguruadmin

Akshitha is a Digital Marketing Expert and Founder of She has been working on her own blogging projects which provide solutions to users in the field of Technology, Internet Knowledge, and "How to " based content. As an experienced Digital Marketer, She believes Content is everything online.

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